Building Verse

Dallas, TX–Ink Brush Press has announced the forthcoming release of a new collection of poetry. A Rotating Equipment Engineer Is Never Finished by John Milkereit is a work by a real-life engineer. Though firmly grounded in the sciences needed for a career in engineering, Milkereit also excels in the arts with his performanceMilkereitFrontFinal-900 poetry, and he is currently enrolled in an MFA program. His work has been praised by the likes of Texas Poet Laureates and others. According to Dave Parsons (2011 Texas Poet Laureate):

John Milkereit’s poems sing with the free-wheeling voice of the very finest performance poetry, yet they also gift his readers with the delight of well-wrought similes and metaphors that pleasantly surprise, always entertaining and urging the reader on, widening our reality with his unique imaginative visions.

For this and other fine books, visit Ink Brush Press.